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Secretarial Services

Registration and licence application services:

Assistance in Setting up new companies

Assistance in the registration of commencement and cessation of business
Assistance in applying various licence and permit to the government
Assistance in handling the working permit and temporary residency of overseas worker
Assistance in setting up overseas limited companies

Assistance in business trademarks application

Government application services:
Assistance in handling employees’ professional tax affairs and social security funds registration

Assistance in filling of the quarterly social security funds

Assistance in filling of statutory returns

Others services:

Arranging and attending meetings of directors and shareholders and preparation of minutes

Provision of registered address

Assisting clients to recruit employees and professional training provided

Providing business / administration services

related links
Procedures / information required for incorporation of a limited company in Macau
Branch - setup information
 Services & Solutions
Secretarial Services
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